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Save The Riders Dunes

Save The Riders Dunes is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization created to protect the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area (ODNRA). 

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About Save The Riders Dunes featured image

About Us

Save The Riders Dunes emerged from a shared experience at a 10c Travel Management Meeting in 2009 centered on the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area (ODNRA).

Gathered around a campfire, a group of enthusiasts came together, sparking the inception of STRD.

Why is STRD Important?

We Protect your rights!

We maintain public dune access by challenging environmental impact statements.

Clearing Invasive Species

We cleared & cleaned over 45 acres of invasive & noxious vegetation from the dunes.

Planning for the future

We started working with BRC and ODNRA since the early stages of EIS drafts in 2010.

Meet Our Board Members

“The dunes are amazing and we are glad to help with our work and contributions keeping them open to the public”
Jody Philips
Treasurer / Past President
"It is special for our community to be able to access one of the natural wonders of the world. Let's continue."
Contact Save The Riders Dunes Featured Image
David Gunter
Executive Board President
"Coos Bay is lucky to have Save The Riders Dunes performing their excellent work for the betterment of everyone!"
Leo Cox
Secretary / Past President


Help Protect Riding Rights In The Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area (ODNRA). 

No matter who you are or what you do. You can make a difference and help by making a donation. 

© All Rights Reserved.

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